Fagus sylvatica (European Beech) genome resource

The chromosome level genome (version 2) represents a 541 megabase assembly with 63656 predicted gene models. A summary of the assembly is given in the table below. 

Number of scaffolds 169 (12 Chromosomes + 157 unplaced scaffolds)
Assembled Genome size 541 Mb
Longest scaffold 73.97 Mb
L50 size 46.56 Mb
N50 count 5
Number of predicted Gene models 63656
Total coding region 103 Mb

The searchable genome browser for the reference genome can be accessed here.

The genome assembly and gene annotations can be downloaded from here.
Raw data and assemblies are available at ENA with the project accession PRJEB43845.

The publication is accessesible at
Please contact Prof. Dr. Marco Thines (m.thines@thines-lab.eu or marco.thines@senckenberg.de) for any further information and/or collaboration.